Showing posts with label Cold Water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cold Water. Show all posts

Cold Water and Weight Loss

Posted by Unknown

Cold,Water,and,Weight,LossDrinking a lot of water daily is the first important step to take should you be serious about weight loss. There exists a point of view that the lake you drink should be its polar environment cold. In this case the body will likely need to do an extra work to bring the body's temperature back to normalcy. This process is called thermogenesis. On this process body generates extra temperature or energy; this causes the metabolic rate to move up which means burning extra excess fat. This might work for some within the short run but in the end the cold water will become weak the digestive process and make the weight loss more difficult. Some people already have a weakened digestive system so drinking cold water could make things even worse. In Ayurveda metabolism is in comparison with fire. The more "fire" you have the better your digestion will probably be. The surefire way to extinguish this digestive fire is cold water. Besides slowing down the food digestion, cold water creates a stress for that body that results in all kinds of health problems. It can produce stomach problems, spleen problems, problems with vocal cords or anything else. From the point of view of Chinese medicine ice wintry water will decrease the Yang qi (energy) from the body. The Yang qi energizes the digestion and metabolism. So Chinese medicine advocates a similar concept - drinking cold water will lessen your metabolic rate. Even if cold water helps you lose few pounds at first, you will not lose excess fat afterwards and will develop all kinds of different health problems. The healthier strategy to lose weight is to drink water at a room temperature, herbal teas or difficulties with lemon or spices for instance cinnamon, cloves, ginger. Moderately hot beverages usually are not harmful for the health; they improve digestion and help slim down. Make sure you don't begin another extreme and drink hot beverages - very hot is really as detrimental to the body for the reason that ice-cold is. Whatever you do to lose weight, think first about its long-term implications with your health. If you lose your health at the same time of doing something - anything just for this matter, undertaking it is not worth your energy .
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